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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Effects of Spyware video

In this great video, you just witnessed was a display of the most infamous and malicious programs on the Web.

Spyware, Adware, Trojans, Worms, Keyloggers, Toolbar Hijackers, and other harmful programs are all tracking programs that secretly install onto your computer. Once you're infected with these malicious programs, your privacy and personal information are at risk! Spyware, as well as other malicious programs, can go from dangerous, stealing your passwords and credit card information, to simply annoying you with their excessive popups.

These malicious programs can track your surfing habits, abuse your Internet connection by sending this data to a third party, profile your shopping preferences, hijack your browser, and alter important system files - all without your knowledge or permission. The security and privacy implications of these exploits should not be taken lightly.

Immediate action must be taken to rid yourself of these computer infestations.



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