Avira on PC Welt test
In the current issue of PC Welt (11/09), a total of eight security experts were called upon to give their best in virus detection. Security performance was not the only contributor to the excellent overall result: functionality, support, operation and system requirements also played their parts.
Avira Free Antivirus not only identified 100% of in-the-wild malware currently in circulation, but also 99.1% of the 461,187 lesser known viruses, known as zoo viruses. As the only producer that also offers a support hotline for its free product, we also managed to score highly in the support category with our German-developed software.
All of these facts, as well as the speedy updates and the satisfyingly low demand on system capacity, led the jury to offer the following summary: "Avira AntiVir Personal demonstrated the best overall scanning performance in the test. The manufacturer responded quickly to new threats. The program is also very fast, making it ideal for slower systems." So: enjoy visiting www.free-av.com for the best free virus scanner on the market.