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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Cant update AdAware definitions

You need to update definitions every few days for all antispyware and antivirus programs on your computer. But sometimes you can expirience some problem while doing that. If you are trying to update definitions for AdAware, Lavasoft, and update freezes at some percent, you can wait forever to continue. Or the following message could appears:

The downloaded definitions file could not be read, please update again

AdAware update freez

You can work it out on 2 ways.

- You can download AdAwere definitions manually here. Than, just replace existing definitions file in C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware folder.

- Go to C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware folder. Find defs.ref file and rename it to defs.ref.old. Then, try to update definitions again. You should succeed.
