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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Fake anti-spyware software

There are many programers in the World, developed and released fake anti-spyware programs. If you see banner warn you your computer have been infected with spyware, that could lead to one of that fake software. They will offer you free download, but that way you can only add new spyware, malware on your computer. The other way the are working is to offer you to buy cheap their softwere. You may not infected but you can through away your money.

Type of that so-called useful software can be antispyware, antivirus, registry cleaners, firewall, or some other kind.

Known offenders include:

* The Shield 2006
* Privacy Defender
* Malware Wipe
* Pest Trap
* SpyAxe
* AntiVirus Gold
* SpywareStrike
* SpyFalcon
* WorldAntiSpy
* WinFixer
* SpyTrooper
* Spyware Stormer
* Spy Sheriff
* SpyBan
* SpyWiper
* PAL Spyware Remover
* Spyware Stormer
* PSGuard
* AlfaCleaner
* Spyware Quake
* BraveSentry
* VirusBurst
* Trustcleaner Pro
* AntispywareSoldier
* Mallware
